The Morning Report: 10:22 p.m. Edition

It’s 10:22.  Logically, the first thing on my mind right now is, “Hey, um… I should blog.”  So here I am.  I’m just gonna update you real quick on, well, EVERYTHING.

School: Senior year, guys!  It’s something I’m really excited about, but I’m realizing that there are reasons that senior year is always so laid back, school-wise.  It’s because there is so much besides school that needs to be done!

1) College.  What I didn’t realize is that a massive part of senior year is figuring out what to do next.  I, personally, would like to go to college and get a degree in drama. Easy enough, right?  NO!  There are so many colleges in this world, you guys!  This has been a HUGE point of surrender for me.  Like, it’s hard to give something away that’s so huge, but I know that God knows what school I need to end up at, if I need to go to college at all, and I really don’t at this point.  So college hunting… that’s a thing.

2) Extra-curricular activities.  I tried to leave room in my schedule this year for a lot of extra stuff.  However, that “extra stuff” has proceeded to pile up and up and up.  Super fun.  But, honestly, I love it.  Right now, I am in rehearsals for a) Aladdin, which a children’s theatre company in my area is putting on. b) a singing/dancing/drama program through the 1700’s. Performing next week! c) A drama mission trip to POLAND.  Yeah, dude.  d) Choir. Yeppers.  And my swamped schedule really hasn’t stopped me from trying to sign up for voice lessons, and hunt for a job. Speaking of which…

3) JOBS.  Remember when I mentioned college?  Yeah… it’s freaking expensive, guys.  So money is good.  And no matter how busy you are, money is necessary.  I’ve applied to three places so far, and I’ll let you know if anything comes of that.


Music: One of my sister’s college friends has recently turned her onto an artist, and she, in turn, turned me onto them.  This artist is Twenty One Pilots.  I’ll tell you right now, they’re not for everyone, but please, give them a try.  My favorites by them are “Screen“, and, um, ALL OF THEM.  SERIOUSLY.  So listen.  They not only are super talented, but their music has a great message against suicide and self-harm and all of that.  A subject very close to my heart.


Telly: As of right now, my mother and I are watching Once Upon a Time (new post coming in regards to my opinion on this season) and Dancing with the Stars.  I have also successfully completed Seasons 1-9 of How I Met Your Mother *bows*, and when I have a spare second, I am plowing through Season 2 of Arrow.  And GRAVITY FALLS you guys!!!


Traveling: AAAAAASHLAAAAND!!! Ashland.  Read this.  More on that later.


That’s all for now!!!  I promise I’ll be back within the next couple of days.

Hugs and all that jazz……………. Gracie(: