The Morning Report (January)

This is Gracie, checking in with the morning report! I plan to make this the first installment of a series of “report card” posts towards the end of each month. Just to let y’all know what’s happenin’.


Spending time in The Word– I am by no means reading my Bible or having my quiet time daily, but I am doing it on a far more regular basis than I ever have, and, believe it or not, I am seeing actual results! So this one is going great so far.

Exercising- I started out so well… I did it every other day, it was GREAT. And… now not so much. I’ll work on it.

Eating right– I’m eating better than I have in a while and really keeping track of what I’m eating. I think if I get back on top of my exercise I’ll start seeing results here too.

Keeping bedroom tidy- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahaha…heh…heh…hrm.

Reading- YES! I finished both The Marquis Secret and The Bad Beginning (the latter in a day and a half) and I am now reading Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. I am really loving this resolution! For the first time, I am enjoying delving into some really good literature and have plenty of good books on my list. I am very motivated to keep doing well on this one. On a side note, I LOVED both of the books that I finished this month! I would read both of them again for sure. You should read them.

Netflix– This is, by far, my most successful resolution. The only TV I’ve been watching is Downton Abbey with my mother and sister (we’re all addicted and are currently getting caught up to the current season [more on this later]) and Sherlock… which obviously didn’t go on for very long…


Controlling time on the internet/phone– Internet: better. Phone: Just fine and dandy.

Giving God first place in my life/loving like Jesus– I have definitely grown to understand more what it means to give God everything, and how much trust that takes. I’ve gotten better at it, and simultaneously worse. It’s getting easier, and it is definitely changing me. Overall, going pretty well.



Drinking- LEMON WATER!!! I’ve heard it’s good for you. I’ve yet to actually look up why. I like the way it tastes. I feel like I’m doing something good for myself when I drink it. I drink it out of a mason jar with a bendy straw because it makes me feel good about myself.


Downton Abbey.

This was the first show that my mother got successfully addicted to, on Season 3. I caught on at Episode 2 of Season 3 and we’ve been watching ever since. Now we are getting all the past seasons from Netflix so we can get caught up, and simultaneously watching current episodes to stay caught up… it’s a process. I have to say this is officially my current favorite show. And (SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT) it is very refreshing to see Matthew and Sybil again.

Once Upon a Time.

Show #2 that my mother has gotten hooked on, and show #1 that she has legitimately whined over when my sister and I threatened to watch a movie instead of this lovely piece of fairytale magic. We finished all the episodes on Netflix, and are trying to find season three on the internet so we can get caught up on this one as well.

Doctor Who: Season 7.

I’ve finally moved on from my emotionally scarring experience with The Angels Take Manhattan and when we have a free evening (which is rare) my sister and I will watch a Clara episode. We only have a few more and then I’ll be completely caught up and ready (slash not ready at all) for Peter Capaldi to make his smashing entrance.



To Hawaii!!! We just got back from a lovely excursion to the lovely island of Maui, and I have to say I am pretty darn proud of my tan (: It was my first time to Hawaii and it was so nice staying right on the beach and getting a week of escape from the cold (SO COLD) here in my lovely hometown.


So… that’s all I suppose. Sorry for the very scattered and probably very boring update here… I promise I will some more exciting posts in the near future.

Au Revoir……………. Gracie



10 responses

  1. Just as a suggestion, if you are prone to (1) get obsessed (2) love steampunk and (3) read stuff your followers also read, you should read the series The Laws of Magic after you finish the amazing C.S. Lewis. Just a suggestion.

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